The Phoenix Club Uniform Consists of...
- Phoenix Synchro Swimsuit - $70
- Nose clip
- Phoenix Synchro Swim Cap
- Phoenix Synchro Swim Bag
All Items can be purchased from the Club
Please email Rosie Sutherland rosies.synchro@icloud.com
Competition Club Uniform
- Competition Swimsuits and Head Pieces - these vary depending on what events each swimmer is in. The club does have some competition swimsuits for hire.
- Black long leggings
- Black sports shoes
- Phoenix Club singlet / tee shirt - thank you to Glowing Sky who support in sponsoring these items
- Hair and Make up kit (The Head Coach provides detail list closer to the events on how the kit is to be made up)
- Black Poolside Jacket
- ILT Team Jacket - Thank you to the ILT for the generous support in sponsoring our team jackets.